- Ohio Veterans Bonus: http://www.veteransbonus.ohio.gov, or 1-877-644-6838, Option 2
Anyone who has served honorable for 90 days (not including training) between August 2, 1990 and March 3, 1991, or anytime after October 7, 2001 may be eligible. Note: You only have until the end of 2013 to apply!
- Ohio Department of Veteran Services: http://dvs.ohio.gov
- Stark County Veterans Service Commission: http://www.co.stark.oh.us/
internet/home.DisplayPage?v_ page=Veterans_aboutUs
- VA Home Page: http://www.va.gov
- VA Health Care: http://www.va.gov/health
- Caregiver Resources: http://www.caregiver.va.gov, or 1-855-260-3274
- Her War Her Voice: http://www.herwarhervoice.com
- The National Alliance for Caregiving: http://www.caregiving.org
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